T and the Crow Magnons – New Material Dropping

Get ready. T and the Crow Magnons will soon drop new songs in advance of the bands’ upcoming third album.

T and the Crow Magnons’ videos are also coming. These will be the first videos from T and the Crow Magnons. T

Songs from T and the Crow Magnons 1st two albums – “T and the Crow Magnons” and “Big Moon Rising Full” have streamed in over 100 countries. The bands’ creativity and sound on the 3rd album will push T and the Crow Magnons into new territory.

T and the Crow Magnons – new material is dropping soon.

T and the Crow Magnons -New Material Coming Soon

New material is coming soon! T and the Crow Magnons are working on their third album. The band has been recording in Big Sur.

Following on the band’s first two albums, “T and the Crow Magnons” and last year’s “Big Moon Rising Full,” the new material from T and the Crow Magnons will delight you. The band pushes into new dimensions of sound and thought. Surprises await.

T and the Crow Magnons. New material. Ahh. the river felt good this year!

T and the Crow Magnons – Green Bromeliad

What is it about the song Green Bromeliad by T and the Crow Magnons on their second album Big Moon Rising Full? Is it the sublime haiku? Is it the lilting mandolin line? Perhaps T’s dulcet voice?

It is the combination of the above, and more.

Green Bromeliad captures a moment and places you in it. Stillness and wonder and release. The “sound” of Green Bromeliad is as natural as the image conveyed by T. Savor the last drop of mandolin.

Green Bromeliad by T and the Crow Magnons on Big Moon Rising Full. A moment in time. Come share it and experience wonder. That is what Green Bromeliad is about.

T and the Crow Magnons – Diesel Truck Rumble

Wonder how T and lil’d created “Diesel Truck Rumble” on the latest T and the Crow Magnons album, Big Moon Rising Full? Well, lil’d located a sonic sounding stairwell near where he lives, and invited T over.

After playing around in the stairwell for a bit, to get a feel for its acoustics, T and lil’d decided to do a piece walking down the stairwell. What piece? Hmmmm…and the winner is….Diesel Truck Rumble! T’s haiku perfectly fits the ambience of the stairwell, with that big reverb sound. You can really “feel” the rumble.

Then had to coordinate the foot steps and the big jump onto the landing…boom! 3 takes, kept the second one. The piece is recorded walking down 2 flights of the stairwell stairs.

So there you have it. Diesel Truck Rumble on the Big Moon Rising Full album by T and the Crow Magnons. Rumble on!

T and the Crow Magnons – The First Song

What was the song that started it all for T and the Crow Magnons? The band’s first recorded song? It’s not on the first “T and the Crow Magnons” album. But you can find it on the band’s second album “Big Moon Rising Full.” It is “From Holes in Clay Pots,” recorded in June 2016 on a sunny afternoon in Big Sur, California. T with lil’d playing on a Gretsch dobro. In that moment, the start. T and the Crow Magnons.

T and the Crow Magnons – Recording the song Big Moon Rising Full

The song Big Moon Rising Full was recorded by T and the Crow Magnons in 2019 in Big Sur. On a sunny Thursday afternoon in June. At the band’s favorite secret recording location.

As always, that’s T with the haiku and on vocals. That’s Wayland on a vintage Korg beat machine. And that’s lil’d on the Tibetan chimes.

The album title track – – Big Moon Rising Full by T and the Crow Magnons. And when the song awoke, gotta say — the whole world illuminated. The band laughed in joy.

Recording T and the Crow Magnons

First off, T and the Crow Magnons is a live band. All T and the Crow Magnons songs are recorded live with no overdubbing.

We match the right haiku with the right backing instrument/soundscape and go for it! We sometimes try a few takes but find the first couple of takes are usually the best. Often there is just one take, created and captured in the moment … frozen zen.

Songs on the first two T and the Crow Magnon albums were recorded in Big Sur, California and in San Francisco, California. We won’t give away our secret recording location in Big Sur, but can say it is absolutely one of our favorite places on this good earth to play and record.

Once recorded, T and the Crow Magnons songs are distilled at O-WOW Studios in San Francisco, mastered at Trakworx Mastering in San Francisco, and selected for our next album. T and the Crow Magnons albums are produced by lil’d with album artwork by exceptional beat artist Sean Bell. Then off to you!

Our Other Favorite Bands

Two of our favorite bands have members of T and the Crow Magnons in them. One band is The Strange Situation. https://thestrangesituation.com/ The other band is Open Space Rangers. https://openspacerangers.com/ All 3 bands are produced by lil’d.