Recording T and the Crow Magnons
First off, T and the Crow Magnons is a live band. All T and the Crow Magnons songs are recorded live with no overdubbing.
We match the right haiku with the right backing instrument/soundscape and go for it! We sometimes try a few takes but find the first couple of takes are usually the best. Often there is just one take, created and captured in the moment … frozen zen.
Songs on the first two T and the Crow Magnon albums were recorded in Big Sur, California and in San Francisco, California. We won’t give away our secret recording location in Big Sur, but can say it is absolutely one of our favorite places on this good earth to play and record.
Once recorded, T and the Crow Magnons songs are distilled at O-WOW Studios in San Francisco, mastered at Trakworx Mastering in San Francisco, and selected for our next album. T and the Crow Magnons albums are produced by lil’d with album artwork by exceptional beat artist Sean Bell. Then off to you!